Rai Italia

Puntata del 2 giugno 2018

  • Durata:00:52:05
  • Andato in onda:02/06/2018
  • Visualizzazioni:

We continue today in our visit to the breathtaking Museo di Capodimonte: after touring the park, it is time to get lost in the rooms of the royal apartment and along its endless halls filled with masterpieces. It is the last leg in our journey along the Ferrovie della Calabria. Cosenza is the old site of the Bruzi, who built it in the 4th century BC on seven hills. An ancient and beautiful place, to explore and re-discover. Made in Italy also means superior craftmanship. Ever since 1786, the Antico Setificio Fiorentino manufactures the most precious clothes on original looms.


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